Mymensingh Girls'
Cadet College
Third Term End
Exam. – 2008
Class – IX
subject : Higher Maths
Time – 2
hours. Full
Marks – 75

Algebra - 32
1. Answer any
Eight of the following questions:
a) Use the Method of Mathematical Induction
to show that, for n ÎN,

b) If
x = ( a+b)
+ ( a-b)
and a2 - b2 =c3,
then show that x3 - 3cx - 2a
= 0. 4

c) If xya-1= P, xy b-1
= q, xy c-1 = r then show that ( b-c) lok,p + (c -a ) logkq +(a -b) logkr =0 4
d) Find the domain fo the function stated
by given F(x) and determine whether the function is 4
one-one or
not ? F(x) =

e) Sketch the graph of the relation S = { ( x,y) : x2 + y2 + 2x - 6y -6
=0} 4
f) If
9, then show that
axbycz =1. 4

g) Simplify :

h) If
s = { n: n ÎN
and n (n +1) is divisible by 2} , then show that S = N. 4

Geometry :
2. Answer any five of the
following questions.
a) Prove that a straight line drawn
parallel to one side of a triangle cuts the other two sides 6
or those sides produced
propor trionally.
b) Prove that if a straight line drawn
from angle of a triangle divides the opposite sides 6
externally in the ratio
of the other two sides then the straight line is the external bisector of the
c) The diagonals of the rectongle ABCD
intersect at Q. If p is any point inside the rectongle
then prove that, PA2 +PB2 +PC2
+ PD2 = AC2 +4PQ2. 6
d) E is the middle point of the median AD
of the triangle ABC and produced BE meets AC 6
at F, Prove that AC= 3AF
and BF = 4 EF.
e) To construct a triangle having given
the base, the vertical angle and the difference of the
other two sides. [
Description and sign of the figure are needed.]
f) To draw, a circle which touches a given
circle at a given point and passes through a point
out side the circle. [
Description and sign of the figure are needed.]
3. Define radian angle.
Prove that radian angle is a constant angle. 5
4. Answer any two of the
following questions:
a) The angles of a triangle are in A.P.
and the largest angle is double the least. Express 4
the angles in radian.
b) What is the height of a hill which
subtends angle 71 at a point
540 km away from the hill. 4
c) If tanq + sinq = m, tanq - sinq = n then prove that m2 - n2
= 4
. 4

Mymensingh Girls'
Cadet College
Third Term End
Exam. – 2008
Class – IX
Subject: Islamic
Studies (MCQ)
Time : 25 minutes. Full Marks – 25
[N.B. Answer all the questions. Each question carries one
mark. Block fully, with a ball point pen, the circle of the letter that stands
for the correct/best answer in the "Answer sheet" for the MCQ
1. What is the
meaning of Shirk?
a) To refuse b) Partnership
c) Vileness d) To disbelive
2. In which belief arouses a sense of self consciousness and
self respect among the human beings?
a) In luck b) In Akhirat
c) In Tauhid d) In
3. Whose places are at the lowest layer of 'Jahannam'?
a) Kafirs b) Mushriks'
c) Fasiqs b) Munafiqs'
4. The person who has full belief in belief in all basic
fundamental aspects of Islam are called-
a) Mufti b)
c) Muhsin d) Mumin
5. Which is first symbol of Munafiq?
a) Break the Amanat
b) Break the promise
c) When tells, tell lie
d) Make troubles to people
6. The rule of turning out shirk from the society is -
To show the ill consequences of shirk by media
ii. To make understand the all people regarding Tauhid.
iii. Eliminate shirk by imposing laws.
one is correct?
a) i b) ii
c) i and
ii d) ii and
Give answer of question no 7 and
8 according to the given passage: The believes in the next world keeps
himself/herself away from evil doings because of his/her fear of accountability
to Allah. He/she himself/herself in inspired to do good work with expectation
of reward, Thus belief in Akhirat heightens the character of man-
7. For which reason we will be answerable to Allah in Akhirat?
a) Due to the question of grave
b) The wrong deed of worldly life
c) The with deed of worldly life.
d) Before worldly work.
8. Belief in Akhirat makes human character what?
a) Polluted b) Developed
c) Disciplined d) Well behaved
9. The Nabi Rasul were very much-
i. Wise and intelligent ii.
Truthful and honest
iii. Greedy and sinner
one is correct?
a) i b) ii
c) i and
ii d) iii
10. The rules and regulations of Islam are
a) complete code of life
b) Internal code of life
c) Shariat
d) Ad-Din
11. What is the dictionary meaning of Ijma?
a) Consensvs b) permission
c) Get together d) Friendly
12. Which Hijree century is called the golden age of the
compilation of Hadith?
a) Second b) Third
c) Fourth d) Fifth
13. After the death of the Great prophet (Sm) the
Sahabis used to solve new problems in the light of
a) The Holy Quran b) Sunnah
c) Ijma d) Qiyas
14. To perform Eidul Fitr is -
a) Farz b)
c) Wajib d) Mustahab
15. By reciting the holy Quran-
i. Can understand the differences between truth and falsehood.
ii. Can realize the political condition
iii. one can get the right path of leading life
one is correct?
a) i b)
i and ii d) i
and iii
Read the following passage and
answer the question 16 and 17. Arif takes drugs. He does not pay heed to any
advice. For this he has been beaten. While it has been taken to the notice of the
religious teacher he said it is Haram. Finding no other alternative, it has
been decided to send him to the drug rectifying center.
16. In Which basis the religious teacher decided taking drugs as
a) The Quran b) The Hadith
c) Ijma d) Qiyas
17. To protect Arif from taking
In new environment the should be kept in discipline
show him sympathy by all his family members
He should take permission from his parents
to select friends.
one is correct?
a) i b)
c) i and ii
d) i
and iii
18. What is the main aim of Ibadat?
a) Gaining paradise
b) Abiding the laws of Allah
c) Gaining the pleasure of Rasul (Sm)
d) Achieving the satisfaction of Allah
19. Who had fought against the denied person of Zakat?
Hazrat Abu Bakr (R)
b) Hazrat Umar(R)
c) Hazrat Usman(R)
d) Hazrat Ali(R)
20. For whom saum is Farz?
a) For the rich Muslim
b) Only for females
c) Only for males
For every Muslim man and woman
Read the following passage and
answer to the question no 21 and 22 : Rafiqul Islam went to Mosque from his
house early in the morning for Fazr Salat. There he found the Imam in the Ruku.
21. Rafiqul Islam would do his Niyat-
i. In Arabic
ii. In mather language
iii. In mind
one is correct?
a) i b)
c) iii
d) i
and ii
22. In this situation rafiqul Islam -
a) He will go to Ruku and taking Niyat in mind
b) He will go to Ruku without Niyat
c) He wil stand taking Niyat
d) He will go to Ruku taking Niyat in Arabic
23. What is opposite word of Amanat?
a) Khilafat b) Khiyanat
c) Risalat d) Nifaq
24. Truthfulness leads towards the path of -
a) Light b) Virtue
c) Good work d) Knowledge
25. Who are regarded as a real Mumin?
i. Those character are good
ii. Those behaviour is good
iii. Those are use good behave with others.
one is correct?
a) i b)
c) iii
d) ii and
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