Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Buddhist Religious Studies

Girls' Cadet College

Subject Code : 136
Progress Examination-2009
Subject: Buddhist Religious Studies
Time:30 M..                                                                                                                                         Marks: 30

1.         What was the name of father of Gopa?
            a)  Suklodana              b)  Dhotodana
            c)  Amitodana             d)  Suprobuddha

2.         Sumedh Tapash lived in -
            a)  Kushavati city        b)  Mayavati city
            c)  Amaravati city       d)  Chandravati city

3.         What does sila mean?
            a)  rule                         b)  discipline
            c)  establishment         d)  Character

4.         According to Buddha lagy, What all beings are to be?
            a)  Bodhisattva            b)  Great man
            d)  Sage                       d)  Buddha

5.         Who was lavishresta?
            a)  Upali                      b)  Sariputta
            c)  Sivali                      d)  Kansapa

6.         What are the divisions of sutta pitaka?
            a)  Three                      b)  Four
            c)  Five                        d)  six

7.         How many books are there in Abhidhamma Pitaka?
            a)  Five                        b)  Six
            c)  Eight                      d)  Seven

8.         What are they called who observe precepts properly?
            a)  Badman                  b)  House holder
            c)  King                       d)  Virtuous

9.         What pacifies the internal burning of men?
            a)  Cold air                  b)  Jewel
            c)  cold rays of moon  d)  Noble precept

10.       What subject is connected with the word 'Charity' ?
            a)  Self sacrifice         
            b)  giving up ownership
            c)  giving up selfishness
            d)  giving upwealth

11.       How the gifts are to be given?
            a)  with one's hand     
            b)  with other's hand
            c)  with the hand of the slave
            d)  with the hand of the relative

12.       What kind of sentiment should be maintained towards all beings?
            a)  Friendliness            b)  Enmity
            c)  Good will               d)  Compassion

13.       By whose disturbance do the monks go away during rainy retreat?
            a)  of the hellish creature
            b)  of the tree gods
            c)  of the devil             d)  of the rain

14.       On which path the man leads obserking precepts
            a)  Path of happiness   b)  Path of sainthood
            c)  Path of Nibbafna.  d)  Path of good

15.       What is the name of To deyyaputra?
            a)  Subhamanava         b)  Dighayukumara
            c)  Anathapindika       d)  Devadatta

16.       In which law the beings are conducted?
            a)  in the law of order
            b)  in the law of the Buddha
            c)  in the law of the world
            d)  in the law of deeds
17.       Who is the author of Buddhacharita kavya?
            a)  Aswaghosa             b)  Buddhaghosa
            c)  Nagarjana               d)  kalashoka

18.       Lumbini was discovered by -
            a)  canningham            b)  karldya
            c)  Dr.  Fuller               d)  UNESCO

19.       Who was the presdient on the first sangeeti?
            a)  Nanda        b)  Mahakaphgap
            c)  Siblee         d)  Upali

20.       What is our main aim as Buddhists?
            a)  Attainment of delight
            b)  Attainment of sorrow
            c)  Attainment of Nibbana
            d)  Attainment of happiness

21.       What is to be recited first to ordain a sammenera?
            a)  Pansila                    b)  Dasasila
            c)  Tisarana                  d)  Atthasila

22.       How many rules are there for the householders?
            a)  Ten                         b)  Eleven
            c)  Twelve                   d)  Thirteen

23.       Where did the vajjians live?
            a)  at sarandad celeya
            b)  at Briji        c)  at vesali   
            d)  at meeting.

24.       What Jataka did the Buddha deliver to the king Suddhodana for converting him to Buddhism?
            a)  Kalakanni jataka   
            b)  Dhammapala Jataka
            c)  Sujata Jataka
            d)  Khantivadi Jataka

25.       What are the numbers of the Jataka that the Buddha narrated to settle the disput between the sakyas and the koliyas?
            a)  Five                        b)  Seven
            c)  Three                      d)  Four

26.       After how many years is one entitled 'Sammati thera after taking upasanpada?
            a)  Eight                      b)  Ten
            c)  Nine                       d)  Eleven

27.       Who is the king who helped to gropagate Buddhism at the life time of the Buddha?
            a)  Asoka                     b)  Kalasoka
            c)  Kaniska                  d)  Bimbisara

28.       Where did Asoka send Buddhist Missioneries?
            a)  Egypt                     b)  China
            c)  Burma                    d)  Japan

29.       Who translated in pali the Attakatha in sinhalese?
            a)  Asvaghose              b)  Buddhadatta
            c)  Buddhaghose         d)  Dhammapala

30.       Who ordained kundalakesi theri?
            a)  Maggallayana         b)  Ananda
            c)  Sariputta                 d)  Nanda

31.       Which country did build the vast Buddha image at Buddha Gaya?
            a)  China                      b)  Japan
            c)  Srilanka                  d)  Mayanma

32.       How many Bhikkhus were ordained first by the Buddha at sarnath?
            a)  Fifty one                b)  Five
            c)  Four                        d)  Sixty

33.       Copperplate of the Mahaparinibbana
cetiya has been found at-
            a)  Sarnath                   b)  Buddha Gaya
            c)  Kusinagar               d)  Lumbini

34.       Where was the fifth Buddhist council held?
            a)  Ceylon                    b)  Rajagaha
            c)  Burma                    d)  Ancient India

35.       How many seats were there of the Bhikkus in the first Buddhist council?
            a)  Six hundred   b)  Four hundred
            c)  Five hundred  d)  Five hundred and fifty

36.       How many Bikkhus participled in the second Buddhist council?
            a)  Seven hundred       b)  Five hundred
            c)  Six hundred   d)  Six hundred and fifty

37.       The name of the Newspaper of the Union of Buddhist in Hills.
            a)  Jyoti                       b)  Maitribani
            c)  Aunama                  d)  Kristti

38.       Who destroyed the Sakya clan?
            a)  Prasenjit                 b)  Ajatasuttu
            c)  Bimbisara               d)  Vidudabha

39.       How many months it took to complete the third Buddhist council?
            a)  Seven Months        b)  Nine Months
            c)  Eight Months         d)  Ten Months

40.       On which full moon day did Buddha reach sarnath?
            a)  Vaisakhi Purnima  
            b)  Maghi Purnima
            c)  Asari Purnima
            d)  Pravarana Purnima

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