Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sample General Science Question for 34th BCS -08

সাধারন বিজ্ঞান
১। জোয়ার – ভাটার তেজকাঁটাল কখন হয় ?
_ অমাবস্যায়
২। সর্বাপেক্ষা ভারী তরল পদার্থ কোনটি ?
_ পারদ ।
৩। সূর্যকিরণ হতে কোন ভিটামিন পাওয়া যায় ?
_ ডি ।
৪। পিসিকালচার বলতে বোঝায় ?
_ মৎস্য চাষ ।
৫। বাতাসে নাইট্রোজেনের পরিমাণ কত ?
_ ৭৮.০২ ।

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sample General Science Question for 34th BCS -07

সাধারণ বিজ্ঞান
১। সূর্যের কয়টি উপগ্রহ আছে ?
_ ৮ টি
২। ক্যান্সার রোগের কারণ কি ?
_ কোষের অস্বাভাবিক বাড়া ।
৩। দুধে কোন ধরণের এসিড থাকে ?
_ ল্যাকটিক এসিড ।
৪। সবচেয়ে বড় দিন কোনটি ?
_ ২১ জুন ।
৫। হ্যালির ধুমকেত কত বছর পর পর দেখা যায় ?
_ ৭৬ বছর ।

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sample Bangla Model Question for 34th BCS -08

১। ‘ঢক্কা – নিনাদ’ বাগধারার অর্থ কি ?
_ উচ্চ কণ্ঠে ঘোষণা ।
২। চর্যাপদ  কিসের সংকলন ?
_ গানের ।
৩। বাক্য কত প্রকার ?
_ ৩ প্রকার ।
৪। ‘তেলেভাজা’ কোন সমাস ?
_ অলোক সমাস ।
৫। কাজী নজরুলের মাতার নাম কি ?
_ জাহেদা খাতুন ।

Sample General Knowledge Question for 34th BCS -06

সাধারণ জ্ঞান
১।পুলিৎ জার পুরস্কার বিজয়ী একমাত্র মার্কিন প্রেসিডেন্ট কে ?
_ জন এফ কেনেডি ।
২। বারাক ওবামা কোন রাজ্যের সিনেটর ছিলেন ?
_ ইলিনয় রাজ্যের ।
৩। ফ্যাসিজম এর প্রবর্তক কে ছিলেন ?
_ মুসোলিনি ।
৪। শান্ত সমুদ্র অবস্থিত ?
_ চন্দ্রে ।
৫। E C O  এর সদর দফতর কোথায় ?
_ তেহরান ।

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sample Physics Question -7 for SSC

 Cadet College
 Pre-test Examination-10
Subject-Physics (Theoretical)
Subject Code:136
Full Marks-40   
Time- 2 hours
[N.B-Figure in the right side indicate full marks of the questions. Answer any five questions from each group A and nay five from  group B]
1.         What is vernier constant? How does it determine?                                                                               1+1=2
2.         What is force? Determine the dimension of force.                                                                                1+1=2
3.         Show the validity of equation v = u + at with the help of dimensional equation.                    2      
4.         Prove that the force acting on any charge placed at any point in the electric field is
            equal to the product of the intensity and the charge at that point.                               2
5.         What is Hydroelectricity? What is meant by efficiency?                                                                   1+1=2
6.         What do you mean by echo? What is sound pollution?                                       1+1=2
7.         State the inverse square law of illumination. What is Solid angle?                  1+1=2
8.         How electricity is produced by friction?                                                                                                                               2
9.         What is solenoid and electromagnet?                                                                                                                                 2
10.       What i9s diamagnetic and paramagnetic substance?                                                  2         
11.    (a)          What is momentum? State and prove the law of conservation of
         momentum.                                                                                                                                                                      1+3 = 4
(b) A body of mass 4kg moving with 12ms-1 meets another body of mass 6kg coming
from opposite direction  with the velocity of 4ms -1 and becomes a single body. What will be the velocity of the combined body?                                                                                                                                                                  2          
12.       (a)   State and explain the Ohm's law. Prove that I = , where electromotive force of a cell is E, internal resistance of the cell is r and external resistance of the circuit is R.1+3 = 4                      (b)       The three resistances of value 5, 10 and 20 are connected in parallel, determine the equivalent resistances                                                                                                                                               2
13.       (a)       How the equivalent resistance is determined in case of parallel connection of resistances and show that this is smaller than any of connected resistance?                           4                                                  
            (b)       What will be the cost if a bulb of 60 W runs 5 hours a day for 30 days and the rate of electric energy Tk. 200 per unit?                                                                                                                                                                           2
14.       (a)       State and explain the Netware's law of Gravitation and define Gravitational constant G from it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2+2 = 4
            (b) Determine the value of G considering the mass of the Earth 5.975 x 1024 kg and uniform sphere of radius 6.37 x 106m and the acceleration due to gravity 9.8 ms-2 of it surface.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2        
15.       (a) What do you mean by inertia? Derive the equation F=ma, where the symbols have their usual meaning                                                                                                    1+3 = 4
            (b) A force of 100N acts on a stationary body of masses 50 kg for 2 seconds. What will be the velocity of the body at the end of this time?                                                                                                                                2
16.       (a) Discuss the mechanism for propagation of sound in air? What is sensation of sound?                                                                                                                         3+1 = 4
         (b)   Derive the relation V=f.                                                                                     2                     
17.    (a)   What is anomalous expansion of water ? Establish the relation between real expansion and apparent expansion of liquid.                                                   1+3 = 4
         (b) What is freon? What is the function of the compressor of a refrigerator?             2 
18.(a)   Describe the construction and working principle of a ammter.                     1+3 = 4
    (b) The sound wave produced by a toning fork of frequency 250 HZ describes a distance of 1020 m during 35 in air. Find the wavelength of the wave in air.               2
19.(a) What is an Otto cycle? Describe with diagram the construction of petrol
         engine.                                                                                                                  1+3=4
    (b)100g water at 700c is well mixed with 200g water at 100c what will be the final   2 temperature? 
20.    (a)What is luminous intensity?  Explain mirage in desert.                                     1+3 = 4
            (b) Prove that with clear figure, focal length of concave mirror is half of radius of
            curvature.                                                                                                                 2

Sylhet Cadet College

Cadet Name   :                                                                  
Cadet No  :                                                                        
Form  :                        
                                                                        Pre-test Examination 2010
Class- X

Subject: -Physics (Objective)
[NB. Put the tick () mark against the correct answer. Each question carries one mark.]

1.   What is the orientation of a wave to the direction of vibration of particles in Longitudinal wave ?
   (a) In parallel         (b) At an angle of 450
   (c) At any angle     (d) At right angle
2.   The wavelength of a sound wave produced by a body in air is 0.2 m. If the speed of sound is 340ms-1 in air, what is its frequency?
              (a) 1600 Hz                           (b) 1700 Hz
   (c) 1800 Hz                            (d) 1500 Hz
3.Which one of the following does not represent the characteristic of simple harmonic motion?
  (a) Periodic motion   (b) Rotational motion
  (c) Vibratory motion  (d) Rectilinear motion
4.   The speed of sound doesn't depend on ----
      (a) Temperature        (b) Medium
      (c)  Pressure              (d) Humidity
5.How many laws obey by the reflection of sound?
      (a) 2        (b) 3          (c) 4            (d) 5
6.How long a sound persists in our brain after its hearing?
      (a) 1 second              (b) 0.1 second
      (c)  10 seconds          (d) 0.01 second
7.What should be the minimum distance between reflector and listener in order to hear an echo of sound at 00C temperature? 
      (a) 15.5 m         (b) 16.6 m
      (c) 17.7 m        (d) 18.8 m
 8.What happens to the kinetic energy of   atoms       with increase of heat?    
   (a)Decreases             (b)Increases    
   (c)Remains same      (d)All
9.What is called the increase of volume?
   (a)Linear expansion
   (b)Cubic expansion 
   (c) Superficial expansion
   (d) Caterer expansion
10.Which scientist invented calorimeter?
      (a)Joule                 (b)Regnault     
      (c)Royal               (d)Charls
11.Which one is good conductor?
      (a) Mercury                       (b) Wood        
      (c) Cork                   (d) Glass
12.Value of thermal conductivity depends on
     (a) Length of the conductor          
     (b) Area of cross section of the conductor           
     (c) Volume of the conductor        
     (d) Material of the conductor       
 13.Forth stroke is called    
   (a)Working stroke       (b) Changing stroke
   (c) Compression stroke  (d) Exhaust stroke
14.Heat engine converts which energy into mechanical energy?
  (a)Sound energy                    (b) Electricity 
  (c)Mechanical energy      (d) Magnetic energy
 15. What will be the illumination on a page of a book placed at a distance 5m from a candle of luminous intensity 100cd ?
   (a) 4 cdm-2                                    (a) 4 cdm2                                  
   (a) 8 cdm-2                                    (a) 6 cdm2    
16. An object is placed on the principal axis between centre of curvature and principal focus of a concave mirror. Where would be the position of the image?
   (a) Behind the mirror
   (b) Between centre of curvature and infinity.
   (c) At the centre of curvature
   (d) Between the centre of curvature and principal focus.
17. On what factor the refractive index of a medium depends?
   (a) Density of the medium
   (b) Angle of incidence
   (c) Colour of light
   (d) Angle of refraction.
18. Which one acts as a mirror?
    (a) a plane paper               (b)a wall
    (c)surface of calm water      (d)Ground glass
19.   For small angular displacement, what is the relation between the time period T and effective length L of simple pendulum at any place?
        (a)    Ta
        (b)    Ta L
        (d)    Ta L2
20.   Which quantities have same unit dimension?
            (a)       Mass and Weight
            (b)       Velocity and Displacement
                    (c)        Work and Energy
            (d)       Heat and Temperature
21.       What is the derivation of 1N?
22.       The velocity of a car becomes 10ms-1 after travelling 9m by pressing the acceleration, which can produce acceleration of 2ms-2. What was the velocity of the car at that moment of pressing the acceleration?
            (a)          7ms−2             (b) 8ms−2        
            (c)        4ms−1               (d) 3ms−2
23.       Which is the equation for the volume of a cylinder?
24. What is the are pressure at 00C temperature in the surface of the earth?
      (a) 1.01´105 Pa            (b) 1.01´104 Pa
      (c) 1.01´103 Pa            (d) 1.01´102 Pa
25. During floatation how many parts of ice block remains submerged?
      (a)   (b)  (c)  (d)
26.       Who gave the prediction regarding solar ellipse?
                        (a)        Bacquerel
                        (b)        Democritus
                        (c)        Aristarchus     
(d)     Thales
27.       Who told that "the sun is at the centre of the solar system and the earth and the other planets are revolving around the sun"?
                        (a)        Aristotle                     
                        (b)        Newton
                        (c)        Democritus     
                        (d) Aristarchus
28. Which one is the value of "g" in the poles?
      (a)  9.823ms−2                    (b)        9.382ms−2       
      (c)  9.832ms−2                    (d)       9.806ms−2

29. What is called the point at which weight always acts?
      (a)  Centre of gravity                    
      (b)              Centre of gravitational
      (c)  Centre of weight                                
      (d)             Central point
30.       What is the value of permeability of vacuum?
(a) 8.854´10--12 C2 N−1m-2                       
            (b)        8.854´10--12 C2 N−2m-2                      
            (c)        8.854´10--10 C N−1m-2            
(d)            8.854´10--10 C2 N−1m-2
31.       At constant temperature, if the potential difference is V, and the current I flow through a resistance R, thus what will be the relation among them?          
      (b)  V=RI              
      (c)  VI=R              
      (d) VR=I
32.       What will happen, if the potential difference between two bodies maintained-
      (a)  Electron flow will end                                               
      (b)  Electron flow will finished
      (c)  Electron flow will end
      (d)    Electron flow will continue for a certain time   
33  In Alinco-alloy which one will not found?
                     (a)  Nickel                                     
      (b)  Cobalt
      (c)    Copper                                 
      (d)    Barium
34. The equivalent resistance will be increased in which type of connection?
            (a)        Series connection
            (b)        Parallel connection
            (c)        Combined connection
      (d) Both series and parallel connection
35. Which one is the unit of specific resistance?
      (a)  Ohm-m2
      (b)  Ohm-m
      (c)  Ohm2-m
      (d) Ohm−2-m